1. Jimmy Carter (Classic Healer Support):

Why Support? Carter is the ultimate humanitarian, focused on healing and uplifting others. His efforts in diplomacy, human rights, and renewable energy reflect a long-term, sustaining approach to support.

Playstyle: Dedicated healer with some buffs for his team, emphasizing long-term survivability and resilience.

Ultimate Ability: “Humanitarian Surge” – Restores health to all allies over time and provides a shield that absorbs damage, symbolizing his peace-building and disaster relief efforts.

2. Lyndon B. Johnson (Empowering Buff Support):

Why Support? LBJ’s Great Society programs, Civil Rights Act, and Voting Rights Act showcase his role as a hero who empowers the team and gives them the tools to succeed.

Playstyle: Buff-heavy Support who increases his team’s damage, speed, or defenses, depending on the situation.

Ultimate Ability: “Great Society Surge” – Grants allies massive temporary buffs to speed, damage, and health regen, representing his sweeping domestic policies.

3. Barack Obama (Inspirational Healing/Buffing Support):

Why Support? Obama’s presidency was all about healing the nation, whether it was through economic recovery after the Great Recession, uniting people with inspiring rhetoric, or creating long-term safety nets like the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As a Support hero, he uplifts his team with healing and empowerment, ensuring their survival and success even during tough battles.

Playstyle: A balanced healer/buffer, focusing on consistent healing over time while providing key buffs to his allies. Obama’s playstyle revolves around keeping his team inspired, resilient, and bail them out of near death experiences.

Ultimate Ability: “Yes We Can”

Obama heals all allies in a large radius and negates pre-existing conditions (removing any debuffs, like poison or slow effects). Allies also gain a temporary buff to their damage output and cooldown reduction, reflecting his ability to inspire hope and enact lasting reforms.

4. Richard Nixon (Tactical, Manipulative Support):

Why Support? Nixon fits as a deceptive, tactical Support, using back-channel maneuvers (like opening relations with China) and strategic disruption (even Watergate adds to the sneaky vibe).

Playstyle: A Support who disrupts enemies with debuffs while creating opportunities for his team through clever, underhanded plays.

Ultimate Ability: “Silent Majority” – Temporarily cloaks his entire team (making them harder to target) and reveals enemy positions, giving his allies the upper hand.